OS Commerce is well known as “open source Commerce”. OS Commerce is an e-commerce and online store-management software program. Any web server with PHP or MySQL installed can be used to run OsCommerce. Released under the GNU General Public License, it is an open source, free software.
How to install osCommerce?
1. Once logged into Fantastico, look for the osCommerce link in the left menu and click on it. A short description will appear in the right part of the screen. Follow the New Installation link to start the setup of your shop.
2. Select the domain name that you wish the shop to be attached to. In the box below type in the folder you would like to have the store in – you can select a name to your preference (e.g. ‘shop’, ‘store’, ‘catalog’, etc.). Then fill in the administrator username and password, the name of the shop and its owner and the contact e-mail address. Unless you have an SSL certificate already purchased and set up, please leave the Use SSL option to No. The last six options are to your preference.
3. Click the [Install OS Commerce] button to proceed to the next step.
4. On the next page you will be asked to confirm the details you have entered. Click on the [Finish installation] button to go to the next step.
5. The third page displays confirmation that the setup and the configuration have been successful. The installation requires one last click on [Click here to protect the administration area] in order to be completed.
6. On the final page, you will see the addresses of the store and the administrator’s panel. Add these to your bookmarks, as you will visit the two addresses often.
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