via Web Design & Web Development Forum: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP - Client & Server Side Scripting (PHP, ASP, JavaScript) by resdog on 2/25/11
So I've been tasked with updating an aspx page. Seems pretty simple, right? I just need to go into the page and add some meta tags. So I look at the site, and do a view source, and here's what I see:
OK, nothing is added. So I download the files from the server, open up this page (which is default.aspx) and look at the source code:
See the problem? they are two totally different sources. I double checked, made a change to the local default.aspx page in the body and it updated on the site. But I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't edit any head information, or why it's disappearing from the local file to when it appears on the page. I assume it has something to do with ASP, but I have no idea where to begin looking. I've been tearing my hair out for the past two hours. Something this simple should be easy to do, but I have no idea where to begin. Thanks for your help!
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